Use storytelling techniques
Your story, how and why you became an environmentally friendly sustainable company, and how you manage to maintain this status, is your biggest weapon in the fight for attention and customer loyalty. Write a company blog about your work as a green company by presenting your beginnings and visions of the future and describing where your company currently stands.
A picture is worth a thousand words - and is liked even more often
Images make up a large part of social media. So use meaningful photos to illustrate your story. Or even better: Don't just point out how environmentally friendly your company is, but also show how much you and your employees are committed to protecting the environment, whether in everyday life or through your company's charitable activities.
Let your personality work for you
Although customers may be impressed by good products and services, you will achieve even stronger customer loyalty if you give them the opportunity to get to know the people behind the product. Do you have any outstanding employees? Enable contact between your customers and employees and create a friendly relationship by publishing short stories about yourself.
Using video as part of storytelling
By shooting videos, you attract lots of attention. Encourage employees to film themselves using your products or services and then upload those videos to YouTube. And don't forget: the more special and creative, the better. You can even run a competition and ask customers to shoot and publish videos about your product. The main prize is a visit to your head office. Also film this visit and post it on the Internet to give your customers the feeling that they have met you in person.
Get your customers to promote you
You can do this by uploading content to your website that is easy to share on Pinterest, Facebook, or other social networks. Also create icons that make it easier for customers to share content. You can even create incentives for the customer, which can be reflected in sales by offering them a gift or discount when you share your content.
The old advertising strategies, such as cold calling, no longer work as well as they once did. Today, customers search online for products and services, and choose the company that promotes values they can trust. You can achieve this by combining storytelling techniques with small text, image, and video files that customers can share. Use your website for inbound marketing and tell your story in blogs, images, and videos. On our own website, we have A 2-language company blog that not only installs text contributions but also videos podcasts and includes infographics.