You're growing faster than your competitors and success is seemingly effortless
Let's take a closer look at the area of sustainable, green products and services. We'll find out what the best green brands have in common and we'll discover what sets them apart from other competitors. Our research is based on our own experiences and content that is available to everyone online. Information from the Internet makes it easier to research “best practices” and to learn from competitors who have already acquired a certain virtue or have mastered a specific task. However, you should be careful. There is so much incorrect information circulating on the Internet that it can be difficult to filter the right information
In this blog post, we have compiled for you the 5 main trends that we identified among the best and most successful emerging ethical & sustainable, green brands and service companies.
- Occupy & dominate a niche!
The Swedish jeans brand Nudie The eco-jeans niche dominates. The German brand Armed Angels dominates the range of T-shirts made from organic cotton. The French brand Veja is the epitome of ethically made sneakers, while Warby Parker As the e-commerce shop for glasses is traded. Bet that a buyer who is thinking about expanding his product range in this field will most likely opt for one of these brands.

Does your brand have what it takes to dominate a category of your market? Think about that for a minute. If there is already a clear pioneer in your field, you should refrain from racing with him. Clever brand strategists pick out the niche of a niche, so to speak, and strive to conquer this tiny area. Take a look at the hierarchy in the Google listing: 90% of the flow of visitors is accounted for by the 3 companies listed first.
For this reason, SEO specialists do everything they can to appear among the top 3 Google search results with just a few but relevant keywords. So they don't go out by betting on a larger number of keywords. The magic word is. FOCUS! Re-align yourself and see what's left over. This strategy seems very simple, yet many companies are unable to implement it. It usually fails because of one simple thing: there are too many options that open up.
It often happens that brands have successfully completed the first stage of growth. But suddenly, new opportunities seem to be opening up everywhere. They hop from one thing to the next until focus is finally lost. You overestimate yourself and employees suddenly feel overwhelmed. No one knows what he/she should focus on. When you're at the beginning of developing your brand, you should focus and focus on the niche of your choice.
- Innovations:
Wow, your product is just as good as that of your conventional competitor, only with the difference that yours is also organic. Sorry, but most likely that's not enough! Do you know the saying:
It's easy to put a new idea in the customer's head, but it's very difficult to get an old idea out of it.

Most customers are attached to the things, products and brands they already know and use. If you want to get them to use something new, you need to add value to them. Think about your customer's needs. What can you offer them in addition to their ethical, fair, or sustainable values? Check out the brands Hardgraft, reformation, Pozu or Abury at. Try to find out what makes these brands so unique.
- business model

Sometimes it is difficult to establish your product simply through the factors of design or product specifications. For this reason, brands such as Everlane and Warby Parker Turn your back on conventional business models by avoiding sales agencies and intermediaries and relying entirely on e-commerce and direct sales. As a result, you can offer end users cheaper wholesale prices and beat their competitors' prices by up to 50%
Watch yourself Business Model Generation or BMFiddle and learn to deal with various business models. Greenblut also offers workshops on the topic: “How do I develop my business model”. Please contact us
- Sales & Marketing Integration
Have they hired agencies and sales representatives for various markets to sell their product or service and also employed marketing staff? Perhaps they missed an important opportunity

Market leaders often manage to integrate marketing sales. Modern CRM systems are often heavily integrated into marketing. If they take advantage of the opportunities arising from this new constellation, they can achieve significant additional sales. Due to the availability of digital information, customers research before they come into contact with sales.The opportunity: Market leaders know how to integrate sales and marketing channels. They use the most effective tools to make all data available to the entire team. At the beginning, the marketing team usually launches a social media activity or publishes interesting text content that is freely available online to potential customers, and then the sales team makes personal contact.
- Use inbound marketing
Customers have radically changed their buying behavior. No one waits anymore to be contacted by their sales staff to find out how they can do their job better. Perhaps your potential customers won't even visit your website during the buying process. Perhaps they are more on the lookout for social media and other content that provides them with guidance in the decision-making process.

Get to know the inbound marketing method and start designing a customer funnel for your company. If you're in doubt whether inbound marketing is the right strategy for your company, Just contact us and we will give you a detailed free assessment.